The weighted average Overall score for your selected local market is shown in the first indicator below.

This automated scoring system evaluates the relative health of the National, Regional, State and Local real estate markets by analyzing hundreds of Technical Analysis factors and displays those scores below. A detailed analysis within each of these four groups can be seen via the ‘Show Details’ link.

The ‘ball’ location indicates the current market condition; if a ‘tail’ is present, it indicates that the score has changed from the prior quarter. If the ‘tail’ is on the right side of the ball, it indicates a weakening market. If the tail is on the left side of the ball, it shows a strengthening market.

Note: This automated scoring system is intended to augment your evaluation of the detailed information found elsewhere on this site and/or available from 3rd party providers. It is not a replacement for your own judgment and Due Diligence investigation into any market, and should not be relied upon as your sole source of information in making important investment decisions.

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