How to Find Cheap Houses In Hot Markets
We took the data, plugged it into a new tool we created called the house value finder, and compared it to our hot market score.
Technical Analysis (‘TA’) – the Basics
There are two ways to analyze any market; by its ‘Fundamental’ attributes or by its ‘Technical’ charts.
With the advent of personal computing and the internet, TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide.
TA is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.
Real Estate Cycle Charts – the Basics
Charts showing the annual appreciation or decline in real estate values over time are visual snapshots of Supply & Demand forces in action. Technical Analysis (TA) relies on these charts because they accurately reflect what ACTUALLY happened.
ANY and ALL Fundamental factors that can and did influence real estate values in THAT market,
STAR Indicators – the Basics
The STAR momentum indicators show the ‘energy’ behind any market. For a sustained up-cycle, it MUST be supported by momentum. Market Psychology influences momentum but is not the only driver.
The first step in locating investment candidates is evaluating the STAR indicators. Each of the six ‘triggers’ represent a distinct Technical Analysis (TA) ‘event.’
The left-most columns are Short-Term triggers and carry far less significance than the Long-Term indicators on the right.
TAPS Indicators – the Basics
The TAPS (Technical Analysis Point Score) indicator is an easy to understand, graphical way to show the results of complex Technical Analysis (TA) ‘Studies.’
The simple ‘slider ball’ can move a total of five notches starting from far left (Weak) to far right (Strong).
If the ball position has moved since the prior period,
Stop Investing Blindfolded
Risks You Can’t Afford…
Imagine piling your family into your car in the middle of a cold, dark, rainy night then speeding down a twisting mountain road, never turning on your headlights, or buckling their seat belts.
You’d NEVER consider doing that, not even for a second; it’d be irresponsible and just plain crazy.
Technical vs. Fundamental
Ever since there’ve been markets and cycles, investors have been trying to predict what’s going to happen next. You can reap huge rewards if you get that one piece of information correct.
Trillions of dollars and billions of man-hours have been spent over the last 100 years trying to figure out how to best predict market cycles.
FAR-GAP-HAM: The Most Absurd And PROVEN Way To Invest
It can be combined with any forced appreciation or transactional income strategies you want to use to exponentially explode your results.
The Real Secret Of Becoming A Generational Millionaire
Timing in real estate investing is everything. All it takes is one small change in your strategy to become a local market master (LMM).
Turning a $9,990 Loss Into a $1,308,753 Profit
Numbers don’t lie ? If you bought vegas home in 1980 expecting to cash out in 2016 to live your retirement fantasies, you’d be in for a reality check!
Forced Appreciation: The Nasty Truth The Gurus Never Told You About
Forced and automatic real estate investing ‘strategies’ and how it’s the exact opposite of how you build long-lasting wealth.
The 600 Lb. Gorilla Falls – Part 1
600 Lb. Gorilla Loses His Shirt (And You and His Investing Students Will Too If You Miss This One Key)…
Part 1 of 2
Just take a good look around… many of the real estate gurus still espousing those old methods are losing properties and going out of business right and left.