Choose Your Market Type
Choose Your Market By MSA
Choose Your State
Choose Your Widget Size
Choose Your Widget Setup & Tools
Choose Your Widget ID/Name
This will allow you to identify the specific widgets use in your Referral Partner Center.
*Once a widget id or name is generated, it cannot be changed.
Grab Your Generated Widget Codes Below

Complete Custom Sidebar Tool Set Widget

This widget is viewed best in a sidebar with a max-width of 350px and a minumum width of 250px. Also be aware of your widget height, depending on how may tools are selected.

Full Banner Widget

This widget is viewed best in a space with a max-width of 1024px and a minumum width of 950px. Also be aware of your widget height will grow on responsive changes, smaller width will result in taller tool stacking.

Small Map Widget

This widget is viewed best in a space with a width of 300px.

Wide Map Widget Block

This widget is viewed best in a space with a width of 600px-800px.

STAR Only Tool Widget

This widget is viewed best in a space with a width of 400px.

TAPS Only Tool Widget

This widget is viewed best in a space with a width of 400px.

Long Term Real Estate Cycles Only Tool Widget

This widget is viewed best in a space with a width of 400px.

National Ranking Gauges Only Tool Widget

This widget is viewed best in a space with a width of 400px.
Your Generated Widget List
Widget Name/ID Select State Select
Star Indicators TAPS
Wealth Phase Chart Market Gauges Maps STAR (#/%) Maps TAPS (#/%) ReGen
MSA ID: 1234
Created: 01/01/2019
Size: Sidebar 300px
MSA ID: 5678
Created: 02/02/2019
Size: On-Page 600px
Created: 02/02/2019
Size: On-Page 800px
MSA ID: 7890
Created: 03/03/2019
Size: Sidebar 300px
MSA ID: 3456
Created: 02/02/2019
Size: Sidebar 300px
Created: 02/02/2019
Size: On-Page 600px
*When you use the "ReGen" function it will give you the Original Code for your Widget. This means that it will track under the same criteria for your links. If you need to track for a new placement or site, just choose the same options and give a new "Widget Name".
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