Real Estate Strategy Blog

Hottest Zip Codes for Real Estate

Published April 10, 2018
Housing Alerts Map Picture 2


We’re now able to filter through thousands of zip codes and rank them in a single click. It may be the most powerful tool we’ve created in the last 12 years.

All EXISTING PRO members get this new zip code tool (at no extra charge).

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Market Breadth Weakens Quarter-over-Quarter

Published March 15, 2018
Market Update - List of Cities with Declining Quarter-Over-Quarter Home Prices 2017 Quarter 4

List of the 187 DECLINING
U.S. Real Estate Markets

Currently, 187 markets (46% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last three months. In the previous quarter, 148 markets (37%) had Q-O-Q declines.

(See the entire list of declining markets below.)

‘Quarterly’ home price comparisons are more volatile than ‘Annual’ but also act as early indicators,

Market Breadth Stable Year-over-Year

Published March 15, 2018
Inflation Adjasted Home Price Appreciation 3 2017 - Housing Alerts

68 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-over-Year

Currently, 68 markets (17% of ALL U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last year.

In the previous quarter, 74 markets had annual home price declines (they didn’t even keep up with inflation).

(See the entire list of declining markets below.)

In addition to the list of declining cities below,

Market Breadth Improves Quarter-over-Quarter

Published October 18, 2017
Inflation Adjasted Home Price Appreciation 2 2017 - Housing Alerts

List of the 58 DECLINING
U.S. Real Estate Markets

Compared to last quarter, the total number of Qtr-over-Qtr declining markets has improved significantly!

Currently, 58 markets (14% of all U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last three months.

(See the entire list of declining markets below.)

In the previous quarter,

Market Breadth Improves Year-over-Year

Published October 4, 2017
Inflation Adjasted Home Price Appreciation 2017 - Housing Alerts

62 U.S. Markets Lost Value Yr-over-Yr

Compared to last quarter, the total number of Year-over-Year declining markets has improved significantly!

Currently, 62 markets (15% of ALL U.S. real estate) experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last year.

Our last Y-O-Y report showed that 102 markets had ‘real’ home price declines (they didn’t even keep up with inflation).

Quarterly Market Data

Published July 20, 2017
Market Update - List of Markets with Declining Quarter-Over-Quarter Home Prices 2017 Quarter 1

Published July 18, 2017

List of the 171 DECLINING U.S. Real Estate Markets

Compared to last quarter, the total number of declining markets has improved slightly, but it’s still very alarming.

42% of all U.S. Real Estate Markets Declined Q-o-Q

Currently, 171 markets experienced ‘real’ (inflation adjusted) declines over the last three months.

Market Breadth Continues to Weaken Year-Over-Year

Published May 17, 2017
Market Update - List of Markets with Declining Year-Over-Year Home Prices 2017 Quarter 1

1/4th of U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-over-Year

It doesn’t feel right.

102 out of the 400 major real estate markets in the U.S. experienced ‘real’ decline in home value Year-Over-Year… they didn’t even keep up with inflation.

NO ONE is talking about this.

I’m not saying the sky is falling,

Quarterly Market Data

Published April 28, 2017
Market Update - List of Markets with Declining Quarter-Over-Quarter Home Prices 2016 Quarter 4

List of the 199 DECLINING U.S. Real Estate Markets

The previous Market Report caused lots of questions about when to use “Year-Over-Year” vs. “Quarter-Over-Quarter” data. When analyzing YOUR local market, you need to look at BOTH; they produce very different results in rapidly changing markets (that’s a good thing!).

Half of all real estate markets lost value Qtr-over-Qtr
Almost 1/5th of all markets lost value Yr-over-Yr

You can see from the two headlines above,

Market Breadth Getting Weaker

Published March 31, 2017
Market Update - List of Markets with Declining Year-Over-Year Home Prices 2016 Quarter 4

Half of all real estate
markets losing value Qtr-over-Qtr
Almost 1/5th of all markets losing value Yr-over-Yr

I just got back from a real estate mastermind conference; lots of very smart investors. NONE of them knew that nearly 1/5th of all major US real estate markets are now in decline.

They were blown away when I showed them the list (scroll down).

Technical Analysis (‘TA’) – the Basics

Technical Analysis Real Estate Investing

There are two ways to analyze any market; by its ‘Fundamental’ attributes or by its ‘Technical’ charts.

With the advent of personal computing and the internet, TA has become the dominant methodology for predicting stock, bond, commodity and currency market cycles worldwide.

TA is used by ALL major investment banks and international trading desks as the underlying basis for TRILLIONS of dollars in DAILY investment transactions.

Real Estate Cycle Charts – the Basics

Real Estate Cycle Annual Appreciation Charts

Charts showing the annual appreciation or decline in real estate values over time are visual snapshots of Supply & Demand forces in action. Technical Analysis (TA) relies on these charts because they accurately reflect what ACTUALLY happened.

ANY and ALL Fundamental factors that can and did influence real estate values in THAT market,

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