Published June 5, 2024
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88 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year

Last quarter, home prices declined Year-over-Year (YoY) on a ‘real’ (inflation-adjusted) basis in 88 (21.7%) of the 405 largest metropolitan real estate markets nationwide.

In the previous quarter, 103 markets had annual home price declines.

(See the entire list of declining markets below.)

Sixteen markets saw double-digit appreciation; only one had double-digit declines.

Many investors/observers/click-baiters still find it hard to believe that after the biggest 3-year real estate wealth creation period in history, coupled with the steep decline in affordability, that the markets have stabilized here for the moment.

Contrary to popular belief and all the fearmongering, Housing Affordability is NOT a reliable predictor of market cycles.

Continue to ignore their chicken-little calls that the sky is falling, it’s looking more like a market-by-market event for now.

We’ll let you know if the sky ever does start to fall. 🙂

Lots of markets seem to be in appreciation catch-up mode, creating arbitrage situations and many local pockets of opportunity.

Check this out...

  1. Want to see into the future and learn how to be in the right market at the right time?
  2. Want to avoid the pain & expense of bad markets that suck the life out of you?

A good buddy of mine just created a training video for his mentoring students... it's all about our new new Precision Market Finder tools and our amazing new Market Outlook "Predictor".

He specializes in Wholesaling but the entire video applies to ALL types of real estate investing.

It will change how you think of real estate investing.

Doesn’t matter how you’re connected or what you do…

  • Wholesale
  • Fix & Flip
  • Buy & Hold
  • Multi Family
  • Tax Sales
  • Raw Land
  • Creative Financing
  • Builder – Developer
  • Agent or Broker
  • Lease Options

If seeing into the future for your local real estate market would help you succeed, check out this video while it’s still up...

Below is the list of cities with
declining Year-Over-Year home prices…

List Showing U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year


HousingAlerts has been providing the most actionable,  market-by-market decision triggers for every U.S. real estate market for 18 years running.

If your markets are on this list, DON’T panic!

ONE data point, whether it’s for a Quarter or a Year, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to buy, sell or hold… or do ANYTHING different, other than pay closer attention. That’s where Technical Analysis (TA) comes in.

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markets and have the most accurate local
market cycle predictions on Planet Earth

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If you want to maximize your Investing, Wholesaling and Flipping profits while minimizing risk, capital and effort in ANY U.S. real estate market, you need to invest WITH the market. Come join us and enter the world of Intelligent Investing.


We have been rolling out some amazing new micro market tools for Wholesalers and Rehabbers. Our Neighborhood Ranking tool alone should save you thousands a month in targeted acquisition and lead generation costs. Click here to buy now.



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