As part of our multi-year development project creating FIVE (5) new local market prediction algorithms, we also created the PRECISION MARKET TOOLS (“PMT”) as a streamlined way to access these new predictors and over 100 other indicators we’ve developed over the years.
The HousingAlerts PRO dashboard has grown to include over 30 different tools, including the Precision Market Finder (“PMF”).
While all these tools make HousingAlerts PRO the most accurate local real estate market analytics platform on the planet, it also adds a layer of complexity and cost that not everyone has the need for.
Because the new PMF tool is ‘all-in-one’ package, it ALSO makes for a great stand-alone streamlined version that’s easier to use but still packs the power for us to claim it as the second most accurate local real estate market tool on the planet – behind only HousingAlerts PRO of course 🙂
Here are some of the most notable differences:
Most PRO level indicators include different versions, such as Raw, Rank, YoY, MoM and 1-Yr change versions. Most PMT indicators generally include Raw, YoY Change and Rank.

We have been rolling out some amazing new micro market tools for Wholesalers and Rehabbers. Our Neighborhood Ranking tool alone should save you thousands a month in targeted acquisition and lead generation costs. Click here to buy now.