Slider Balls and Traffic Signal Lights


When I put in the 50 states as a STAR search using today’s date Aug 16, 2015 to find a desirable market, I see multiple states which are entirely green on their “circles chart to the right” which are ranked below other states which have some yellow in them. This seems to make no sense to me, if you are offering us a simplified system using the colors as meaningful. Where is the ranking information coming from that either places a state higher in the ordered ranking than a less green state, or that causes the slider bar to reflect a weaker position?

For example on the search: Texas is ranked fourth among the top 4 but it’s circles are entirely all green. Massachusetts which is listed 2 below Texas has only a 60% strong slider bar as compared to the 99% slider bar representation by the top four, and yet is also has entirely all green circles. Why is there this disparity between the circles and the slider bar and priority rating?


In the
STAR tutorial, Ken tried to emphasize the hierarchy of decision making:

a) Develop a ‘watch list’ of potential markets using the STAR tool. If there is not any strong momentum, it’s not a good candidate (today) for leveraged appreciation.

b) Once you have a list of good momentum markets, use the Market Scoring Report to analyze inpidual markets. Look at the sliders and the sample “wealth phase’ indicators, etc.

c) Remember, the STAR tool does NOT indicate an appreciating market, it ONLY measures its momentum or ‘energy’  which is the FIRST criteria in market selection.

d) You may want to look for new or emerging hot markets – not just the markets that are already in a solid multi-year established uptrend. Many markets will likely  be entering the first phase of the up-cycle over the coming months/years.